Personal Log - 002 - Sara Ryder, Andromeda Galaxy / Date: 2819 (CE, 00:12:34, AA - After Arrival)

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Geez, just when you think everything will be fine and things may get better, life throws you a curveball. 

When we arrived at the bridge the Hyperion was approaching the Nexus Station. It’s massive. I knew that, but … wow, it rivals the Citadel back home. It’s two halves greeting us in this new, unfamiliar part of space, like open arms. Finally we could get repairs done and get some decent food, meet new people and hopefully get news about the other arks. Flying over its huge superstructure I wondered why it was all dark. Only a few lights flickered here and there. As we drew nearer we saw that construction was still under way and almost seemed halted. It should have been finished by now. A feeling of dread rose in my throat like bile. Let’s hope it’s nothing too serious that has kept them from finishing their job. 

As we docked at the massive station the helmswoman remarked that she only got their automated transponders and guidance system, which was a bit weird but not bad. After all, a schedule is hard to keep over hundreds of lightyears. Or so I told myself, to quench the dread that still tried to claw up to my mouth in a frustrated scream. To keep from thinking Cora, Liam and I raced to the tram that would transport us over to the Nexus‘ main hub. Liam hoped for a big welcome party with champagne and stuff. I hoped for no more bad news, some help in this whole Pathfinder business and admittedly a nice steak. Hey, a girl can dream.

Well, our dreams got shattered when we arrived at the hub to find it dark and filled with packed technical supplies, crates and other stuff. It looked like barricades that had at one point been erected and then only partially removed again. I had a very bad feeling about this. Avina, the station's standard Virtual Intelligence was of no help at all. She just cheerfully babbled preset answers to our questions. As we went deeper into the hubs foyer we came upon a human Tech, welding something at a wall. He was so engrossed in his work that my friendly greeting startled him a bit. As he turned around his eyes widened in surprise and he seemed literally dumbstruck. He stared at us for a few moments then had a bit of trouble believing that we were actually just coming in from the Hyperion. He said that we were the first ark to arrive and that they had been here for over a year without seeing or hearing anything from the others. They thought we were dead. The scream that had been lurking inside my throat nearly broke free and from their stunned looks of disbelief I guessed Cora and Liam had similar struggles to deal with. Why the heck couldn’t the universe give us a break for once!? 

An unusually modulated voice broke in at our thoughts as a tall, well equipped Turian approached. His carapace was almost white and his caste-markings minimal. Just two blue vertical stripes, about where the cheeks would be in a human. Probably something to do with coming to Andromeda and starting over. He introduced himself as Tiran Kandros, chief of the Nexus Militia and head of security. He too almost couldn’t believe our story but with the -expletive deleted- going down on this station he told us about, I might’ve not believed myself too.

There had been a mutiny shortly after their arrival in the Heleus Cluster, in Andromeda, he told us on our way back to the tram, it would take us to the Nexus Command Center. That dark energy cloud, they had named it: “The Scourge”, had hit them too and much harder than the Hyperion. They had almost no energy reserves left and we’re practically running live support on fumes. It seemed we had arrived just in time. After the disaster, with hundreds dead and/or unable to be roused from cryo, food and energy shortages a revolt erupted. They were able to quell it but had to exile the mutineers. With no viable planets in sight, that could be akin to a  death sentence, I feared. 

A short tram ride later he introduced me to the tallest Salarian I’ve met in my life. A good head and a half taller than me, lanky and long limbed, Jarun Tann gave his title as Director of the Andromeda Initiative.

He and his second in Command, Director of Colonial Affairs Foster Addison seemed somehow less than thrilled to see us. Sure, they were glad that our arrival heralded some respite from their problems with energy and food for a time, but for some reason they also seemed to loathe the idea of having to handle even more people. Addison was shocked to hear of Dad's death and I was surprised that she called him by his first name. Gotta ask her about that later, Dad didn’t like random people calling him Alec. So they must have been at least familiar with each other. I was a bit surprised to see a female Krogan in Command as Superintendent of the Station. Nakmor Kesh stepped in on my behalf as the others expressed open doubt as to my qualification as Pathfinder. At least one friendly, if a bit squashed face. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle of startled crew members arriving at Command and the lights finally coming on, Director Tann ushered me into his makeshift office. A room still filled with stacks of crates and other supplies. Here we could talk in private. Apparently Tann got to his position by succession, as sadly all others qualified for this post, including Gien Garson, the Initiatives CEO and main financier, had perished in the disaster. The situation was desperate and the Initiative needed viable resources to bolster supplies and energy reserves. The power provided by Hyperion could not keep both Ark and Nexus running for long. It would be my foremost duty to solve this problem. Yay. Without more resources, much needed staff could not be awakened from cryo-stasis. Tann also told me that they too had encountered the hostile aliens we had met on Habitat 7. Apparently the Knuckleheads were called the “Kett”. No other species had been encountered yet, but space is vast, so another first contact might well be on the horizon for us. I hope they are friendlier than those “Kett”. 

Though I am still weary of being “The Pathfinder”, it was fun to butt heads with that bureaucratic weasel Tann. He tried to do me one over when he “granted me the privilege” to act as a Pathfinder on his behalf. Just so that he could reap the glory in case of success and blame all failures on me. But I saw through him. -expletive deleted-. After a few “pleasantries” were exchanged he promised me a scout ship, to find viable worlds with. It’s being prepped right now. Can’t wait to see it and meet its crew. 

When I stepped out of his office a nearby junction box exploded right in the face of the tech who’d been working on it. Luckily the guy wasn’t injured, just a little singed. He told me though, that he suspects sabotage. Gotta look into this later. Right now I need some good news. I want to see my ship! 

As I hurried to the tram that would take me to the flight deck I noticed that all lights were finally on and people were busy with removing the last traces of the former barricades, generally cleaning up, booting up systems and setting up new work stations. I overheard a dark brown Salarian talking, almost crooning lovingly to a console about “juicy, juicy energy that would soon flow its way” and had to suppress a laugh. The Nexus was finally waking up from its long slumber and it buzzed with activity like a beehive. Everywhere I looked I saw hope on the personnel’s faces. Those who noticed me as someone they hadn’t met before on this station quickly made the connection with Ark Hyperion and smiled at me. Wow, it felt good to be appreciated and to see these people finally get to work on their purpose. Liam was talking to a woman from Security, a sour look on his face so I snug by them. Over the PA System a professional voice called for the “Tempest Crew” to assemble on the ship. My mood improved greatly at that call. “The Tempest” sounded exciting! 

As I stepped out of the transport Cora was already waiting for me and we hurried forward to watch the ship arrive from where it had been stored for over 600 years. My God, she’s a beauty! Almost arrow shaped, sleek and graceful as a crane bird she came gliding in. Her black and white paint job with some few red accents made her almost look like a commercial liner from ages long gone. Her thrusters and engine were surprisingly quiet and she landed with almost perfect precision on the pad below us. A small crowd had gathered by the viewpoint and applause, even some cheers came up. The people were immensely happy to finally see some progress. The minute she landed, her hangar opened and workers began to load stuff into her belly. As we approached a tall, female Turian came strolling down the loading ramp like she owned the place, giving instructions and requests to the personnel on deck. 

She gave her name as Vetra Nyx, Quatermaster and all around badass of the Tempest, her mandibles flared in the Turian equivalent of a mischievous grin. Just as the introductions were finished some guy came running up, waving a clipboard and shouting something about the Tempest not having permission to take off from Addison. Before Cora or I could say anything Vetra stepped forward, put a companionable arm around the man's shoulders and led him away from us. I have no idea what she told him but as she came back up the ramp, she actually winked at me and said we were ready to take off if I wanted to. I was beginning to like her. Giddily I followed her into the ship's body. 

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